About US
By using efficient and effective know-how and proprietary processes to recycle e-waste and maximise resource recovery, ACE contributes actively to the reduction of global CO2 emissions, energy and water usage.
At ACE, exporting or land filling e-waste is not considered a recycling solution. Exporting is banned under the government’s NTCRS program.
ACE provides an attractive, socially impactful working environment, including training to improve skill sets and personal development while balancing meritocracy, fairness and equality.
ACE helps to develop and distribute professional knowledge and understanding within communities to improve social awareness around the benefits of responsible recycling, helping people live better and more sustainable lives.
ACE aims to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage and satisfy stakeholders’ interests by continuing its investment in value-add know-how, innovation and fit-for-purpose technologies.
ACE strives to ensure best practice corporate governance and contribute to industry inclusive and sustainable development.
Corporate Social Responsibility
By increasingly investing in efficient and value added recycling methodology, technologies, and know-how, ACE plays a significant role in reducing global CO2 emissions, energy and water usage, whilst at the same time conserving rare earth metals and plastics which would otherwise be lost to landfill.
ACE also works with schools and universities to bring recycling awareness to our next generation.
We provide a comprehensive range of e-waste recycling solutions, including end-of-life solutions, secure destruction and re-use solutions in order to ensure a more sustainable environment.
ACE’s mantra is to be an active promoter and participant in Australia’s circular economy by maximising resource recovery and re-directing waste from landfill to the maximum possible extent.
Nature and Technology
In collaboration with our customers, our business provides technological solutions to ensure that maximum recycling and recovery processing takes place. Importantly, these processes provide many productive and socially impactful job opportunities to our community.